Stress urinary incontinence: leakage of urine when coughing, sneezing, jumping, running etc.
Urge incontinence: difficulty getting to the toilet in time.
Urinary frequency (sometimes for only small amount of urine)
Fecal incontinence and urgency to make it on time.
Constipation, trouble with evacuation of stools, hemorrhoids, fissures
Symptoms associated with organ prolapse (bladder, rectum, uterus)
Pain or incapacity with sexual activity or intercourse: pain with penetration (vestibulodynia, vaginismus, vulvodynia), dermatological pathologies (Lichen Sclerosa), hormonal changes.
Scars form a gynecological surgery or following a tear or an episiotomy during delivery.
Pain or discomforts to the vulva or the vagina associated with menopause (genitourinary syndrome of menopause)
Persistent perineal or pelvic pain
Perineal or pelvic symptoms related to a gynecological cancer (following a surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy)
Dysfunctions related to an aggression, abuse, or trauma.
I also follow women during their pregnancy to help them in their preparation for their delivery and postpartum to recuperate and get back to their physical activities.