Louise Perrin pht msc


Pelvic floor physiotherapy for women

Pelvic floor dysfunctions of the pelvic floor can occur at any age, the good news is that there is no age limit to get treated by a physiotherapist with the expertise of pelvic floor rehabilitation.

You experience urine leakage?

You experience urine leakage?

You have pain during sexual activities?

You have symptoms associated an organ prolapse?

You are pregnant or you just delivered your baby?

Pelvic floor physiotherapy may be the solution for you! 

Take an appointment with me, this field of physiotherapy has been my 

passion for the last 28 years!

Louise Perrin pht msc

Physiotherapist MOPPQ

How to obtain an appointment:

Call me at 514-278-5906 and leave a detailed message with your name, phone number and reason for the consultation:

English (Canada)